Thursday, May 1, 2008

A new Era

So as we blast into 2008 and head into the summer months, I find myself looking back at the past few years of my life and also looking forward and thinking about my 5 year plan. Where do I want to be in 5 years, and what mechanisms do I currently have in place to facilitate the metamorphosis and transformation I seek. I stand in the bubble of the present, floating through time and space and realize that the past and the future are but concepts and that really all exists in the eternal NOW of my body and mind. There are so many wonderful ideas and events that have already taken place that are acting as a catalyst. I guess the most important thing is to retain a focus on what will help my achieve my goal of creating expressing sharing and bringing people together to create waves of joy, confidence, happiness, and hope. I have started a web design certificate at RioSalado Community College and I will be starting graduate classes at ASU in the fall in both the MEd in Education Technology as well as the PhD in Media Arts and Sciences! It is going to be an exciting next 2 years, I am sure of that!

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